The Linggadjati Agreement: Understanding its Significance and Impact on Indonesian History

The Linggadjati Agreement is an important milestone in Indonesian history. Signed on November 15, 1946, it was a crucial step towards achieving independence from colonial rule. In this article, we will explore the significance of the Linggadjati Agreement and its impact on Indonesia.


Indonesia, then known as the Dutch East Indies, was colonized by the Dutch for over three centuries. The struggle for independence began in the early 20th century and gained momentum during World War II, when the Japanese occupied the islands. The Japanese defeat in 1945 created a power vacuum, and the Indonesian nationalists seized the opportunity to declare independence on August 17, 1945.

The Dutch, however, refused to recognize Indonesia`s independence and launched a military campaign to re-establish their control over the archipelago. The ensuing conflict, known as the Indonesian National Revolution, lasted for four years and resulted in a significant loss of life on both sides.

The Linggadjati Agreement

The Linggadjati Agreement was named after the village where it was signed, located in West Java. It was the result of negotiations between the Dutch government and representatives of the Indonesian nationalist movement, led by the future president Sukarno and the future vice-president Mohammad Hatta.

The agreement recognized Indonesia as a federal state within the Dutch Commonwealth and established a joint Netherlands-Indonesian commission to oversee the transfer of power. It also stipulated that Dutch troops would gradually withdraw from the territory and that the Indonesian national army would be created.


The Linggadjati Agreement had a significant impact on Indonesian history. It represented the first step towards ending the armed conflict and achieving independence. It also provided a framework for negotiations and cooperation between the Dutch and the Indonesians.

However, the implementation of the agreement was problematic. The Dutch government viewed Indonesia as a colony and was reluctant to grant full independence. The Indonesian nationalists, on the other hand, saw the agreement as a stepping stone towards complete sovereignty.

The failure to implement the agreement led to renewed hostilities between the two sides. The Dutch launched a second military campaign, which resulted in the loss of more lives and the destruction of infrastructure. Finally, in 1949, the Dutch recognized Indonesia`s independence, ending the long struggle for freedom.


The Linggadjati Agreement is a crucial moment in Indonesian history. It represented the first step towards ending the armed conflict and achieving independence. While the agreement was ultimately unsuccessful in bringing about a peaceful transfer of power, it paved the way for future negotiations and laid the groundwork for the creation of a sovereign Indonesian state. Its legacy remains an important part of Indonesia`s national identity.