An Agreement Not Enforceable by Law is Avoid

When you make an agreement, you expect it to be upheld by the law. However, sometimes agreements are not enforceable by law. In such a scenario, the agreement is considered avoid or null and void.

An agreement is essentially a contract between two or more parties to do or not do a particular thing. It`s a mutual understanding that is legally binding and enforceable by the law. However, if the agreement is not enforceable by law, then it is not legally binding and can`t be enforced.

An agreement can be unenforceable for various reasons. For example, an agreement can be unenforceable if it is illegal, unconscionable, or vague. An illegal agreement is one that is against the law. For instance, a contract to sell illegal drugs would be unenforceable because it`s against the law. An unconscionable agreement is one that is excessively one-sided. In other words, it is a contract that is so unfair that it shocks the conscience. A vague agreement is one that is too ambiguous and unclear to be enforceable.

The consequences of an agreement not enforceable by law can be significant. If the agreement is not legally binding, then neither party is obligated to fulfill their end of the bargain. For example, if you have a contract to sell your car, but the agreement is unenforceable because it`s illegal, then neither party is bound by the agreement. Therefore, the buyer can`t demand the delivery of the car, and the seller can`t request payment.

In conclusion, an agreement not enforceable by law is avoid. In other words, it`s not legally binding and can`t be enforced. If you`re entering into an agreement, ensure that it`s legal, conscionable, and clear, so that it`s enforceable by the law.